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Saturday April 5th from 10.30 am
Nealies Function Room, Derby Road, Milford, Belper
Derbyshire DE56 0RA

Best postcode for Satnav is DE56 0QW


    A new location has become necessary, our previous meeting place having closed. We have secured a new well-equipped, ground-floor, curtained venue, offering ample car parking and level access. Do bring a guest if you can. Bringing packed lunch makes best use of available time – but Nealies are offering bar snacks. We can also direct anyone to nearby places serving lunch.
    You're welcome to bring any equipment, items or literature to show, whether previously seen or not. Club Sales items will be available to buy.

    If you can't attend, but have something to show, your photos and notes (or videos) sent in advance to Jeremy at <jmjago@cooptel.net> would add to the range of things to see and discuss. They would be greatly appreciated by attenders - and in due course by Newsletter readers. This has worked well at recent Conventions.


    The location is on the A6, Derby Road, Milford, Derbyshire (only 2 miles north from our previous location, Duffield). The entrance is by the Elephant and Peacock, more widely known as the Strutt Arms Hotel. The best postcode for Satnav is DE56 0QW (the hotel, rather than the Function Rooms' own postcode).
    Going north on the A6, once in Milford, look for the Mill chimney ahead. At the sign for the Elephant and Peacock, turn right into the pub car park, and from here, turn right towards our venue, Nealies Function Rooms.
    Bus Travel: From Derby Bus Station bay 22, buses run every 15 minutes – the destination stop is the Strutt Arms, Milford. Return destination is Derby Bus Station.