logo                Narrow-Bandwidth Television Association
                                                                                                      Website for television and imaging using mechanical, radio and early electronic systems.


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NBTVA Membership application for 2024

There are two ways to subscribe - by mail or online.


Click HERE for an application form to print out.
Then fill it in and return by post with your cheque to:

Post address of David Gentle

NBTVA (printed newsletters by post) £5 annually for United Kingdom
Overseas (printed newsletters by Airmail): £10 annually
Or Cyber subscription (emailed newsletters) £3 annually, anywhere.
UK Sterling cheques ONLY please - made out to 'NBTVA'.


Paypal allows the club to accept subscriptions securely in Sterling from anywhere in the world without incurring the usual heavy bank charges. Prospective members need to already have a PayPal account, then their dues can be safely transferred to the NBTVA. You can also pay with your credit/debit card over the PayPal system.

This is a one-off subscription payment for one year only. When this expires, you will need to come back here to renew. PayPal costs slightly more than subscribing by mail because the club incurs extra charges. Nevertheless the increase is cheaper than a stamp!

Please note if you order online, the NBTV Newsletter will be sent to the address associated with your PayPal account.

Click on the appropriate PayPal button below to subscribe.

If you don't already have a PayPal account, please click HERE for details for how to set one up.
Members' details will not be released to third parties.

Annual full subscription (printed newsletter) for the UK: £5.50

Annual cyber subscription (e-newsletter) for the UK: £ 3.50

Annual full subscription for the rest of the world: £ 10.60

Annual cyber subscription for the rest of the world: £ 3.60

Thank you!
Members experiencing difficulties with the PayPal system should click HERE to review their WEB browser settings.
IMPORTANT. PLEASE don't forget we're all volunteers!
  1. If joining or renewing by PayPal, please include your postal address as well - that is, complete online form fully.
  2. Some renewals by automatic payment are still using old rates - please update.
  3. Please don't make multi-year applications - they cost us money.